Window Treatment automations using smart home technology

Smart Technology Window Treatments

It’s back to the future! The latest smart home technology is reaching lift off.
Imagine a world in which your home’s windows will be controlled via smartphone or even a simple hand gesture. Heat-sensor window treatments will automatically close or open depending on a homeowner’s ideal temperature preferences. Not only will you gaze through your window to the outside world, but you’ll also be able to virtually interact with your home environment.

Great window treatments for smaller spaces

There are many reasons why people choose to live in smaller spaces. Perhaps it’s time to “pare down” your life, now that the kids have flown the nest; or perhaps you found a condo with the optimal view but of a smaller overall size. Whatever the reason, you’re now faced with having to cover a window area perhaps somewhat disproportionate to your surrounding living space.

Custom Drapery solutions for difficult window types, Pt. 2

Drapery Solutions

Last time, we blogged about hard-to-dress areas like window walls, bays, and tall windows. Thanks to the experts at, here are three more practical drapery solutions, part two of our three-part presentation on decorating difficult windows.